Monday, July 27, 2009

and why?

now at this moment i don't think i'm ok
now at this moment i don't feel right
now at this moment i'm not that happy
now at this moment my tears are coming out
now at this moment i can't sleep
now at this moment i am confused
now at this moment i still in denial
now at this moment i still feel the same way
feeling the same way makes me very sad
i'm sad after hearing what you've said
something i don't want to hear from you
something that really hurts me inside
it is really bothering me
i look stupid when i am like this
i hate to feel like this
it's been a long time since i felt like this again
now at this moment i don't think i want to talk to you anymore
now at this moment i feel like ignoring you
now at this moment i've decided to let you fly
and why? because i like you.... so much

2 kritikan:

capefire boy said...

kenapa perlu bersdih..??gembira kan lebih baek...

Anonymous said...

semoga akak gembira and bahagia selalu..